St Benedict's Parish

Narrabundah is one of Canberra's oldest suburbs. You can still see some of the original workers' cottages that housed the first builders of our National Capital.

After being part of Queanbeyan Parish, and later St Christopher's, St Benedict's parish was formally established in 1962. Mass was celebrated in the School (opened 1955) until the Church building was completed in 1983. St Benedict's became an Archdiocesan Eucharistic Centre in 1998.

Missionaries of God's Love

St Benedict's is under the pastoral care of the Missionaries of God's Love (MGL),  a new community, founded from the Disciples of Jesus Community in Canberra in 1986. MGL brothers and sisters serve in various ministries in the parish. The Disciples of Jesus also hold regular youth and family gatherings at St Benedict's.

Parish Team

Parish Priest Fr Chris Eaton (MGL)  
Mission Centre Director Fr Chris Eaton (MGL)  
Parish Office - Secretary Miss Isabelle Seselja
Assistant Priests Fr Tony Schick & Fr Samson Ezemuokwe
Deacon Deacon Joseph Nivaskaran


The Parish is located adjacent to our school and the Parish Office is a short walk from our Front Office up Tallara Parkway towards Sturt Avenue.

Phone: 6295 7879

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