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Dear Parents and Carers,
At ACT Catholic Primary School’s Principal Meetings there is always much discussion about parent engagement and creating a new understanding of what that looks like in a primary school’s context, with the regular Facebook post that does the rounds often shared;
For me this quote highlights the statistic that children spend only 15% of their time at school and how vital the relationship between home and school is. Debbie Pushor, Professor of Education at the University of Saskatchewan and a leading expert in the area, states ‘how it’s done doesn’t matter, it’s the sense of the commitment to each other, then the rest will come’. For so long in schools we have been good at parent involvement, yet there is a distinct difference between engagement and involvement. The best example of the difference is the idea that if a year 7 student can do the job, that’s involvement, whilst anything that involves a child’s education and learning is engagement.
At St Benedict’s we do want to engage parents and we have the best intentions, but realistically it can sometimes get lost, especially as a result of COVID. We are always looking for new ways to increase parent engagement, such as through Three Way Conferences and Learning Showcases. We are aware that the majority of our parents work and are often unable to attend school events during the day, so are always looking for other ways for parents to be engaged, meet with teachers, other families and visit classrooms. If there are ways you think we can engage parents further, please feel free to email me
I will finish with the words of Pope Francis ‘education is a family matter, and rather than contradicting one another, parents and teachers must collaborate openly and constructively to form children in core values which enable them to face modern challenges’.
Thank you for your ongoing care and partnership in your child’s learning.
God bless.
Rugging Up in the Cold
We encourage a lot of play outside and during winter it can be quite cold. We encourage all of our students to dress with plenty of layers. Our uniform lends itself very easily to this.
Singlets, thermals or other simple long sleeve underclothes are encouraged under the shirt to add that extra layer. Our uniform policy then outlines:
Maroon jumper: worn over the shirt and dress. As it’s harder to take off it can be used inside and outside to keep warm,
Blue polar fleece jacket: to be worn when going outside over the maroon jumper and generally taken off in the classroom while the heater is operating,
Beanies/Scarves/Mittens: are very acceptable and preferably navy blue.
Sport uniform: If an extra layer is required then a simple navy blue top underneath the polo short is acceptable.
Enrolments Close on 28th May
We have a great school, with wonderful kids, dedicated staff and supportive families. Please spread the word amongst family and friends, reminding those with pre-schoolers that enrolments close on Friday 28th May.
Reconciliation Day Public Holiday
On Monday 31st May, the ACT will celebrate Reconciliation Day with a public holiday. As it is a public holiday, all schools in the ACT will be closed on that day.
Cross Country Ribbons
The ribbons from the recent Cross Country Carnival will be given out at our whole school assembly this Friday 21st May, 2.30pm.
I am very excited to announce that our Tuckshop will be reopen for business from Tuesday 1st June. Mr Dave Noble will take on the role of tuckshop manager. The tuckshop will continue to be open every Tuesday and Thursday for the remainder of the year. We will share our new menu next week.
Winter Woollies Preparation
In preparation for our upcoming Winter Wollies Day (Week 10) families are encouraged to start cleaning out their wardrobes ready to donate any unwanted winter woollies such as gloves, scarves, jampers, jackets, beanies, coats, blankets and sleeping bags. All donations must be adult sizes. Please keep your donations at home until Winter Woollies Day.
Religious Education in the Classroom: Kindergarten
Kindergarten is learning about how the church is more than the church building, it is about the people who gather and celebrate together. As a part of this learning, Kindergarten have also been exploring how the indigenous communities understand that they are a part of the earth on which they gather and celebrate together.
Important dates to note for this term are:
3-28 May Enrolment Period to Friday 28th May
12-21 May Naplan Yrs 3 and 5 students
21 May Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
23 May Pentecost Sunday
24 May Feast of Mary Help of Christians
26 May National Sorry Day
28 May Yr5/6 Excursion To Jerrabomberra Wetlands
31 May Reconciliation Day (Public Holiday)
1 Jun Reconciliation Day Liturgy, 10.30am
Parents & Friends Meeting, 6.30pm
4 Jun First Friday Mass, 10.00am
Whole School Assembly, 2.30pm
8 Jun School Board Meeting, 6.00pm
11 Jun World of Maths Visit
14 Jun Queen's Birthday (Public Holiday)
17 Jun Chief Minister’s Reading Challenge
Ambassador visit
Yr5/6 Silence is Deadly visit
Learning Showcase, 2.00pm
18 Jun Semester reports sent home
Whole School Assembly, 2.30pm
20 Jun First Communion Mass, 9.00am
21 Jun Parent—Teacher Interviews (Optional)
22 Jun Parent—Teacher Interviews (Optional)
23 Jun Mini Vinnies Winter Woolies Day
24 Jun Athletics Carnival (Whole School) - NEW DATE
25 Jun St Benedict’s Feast Day Mass, 10.00am
Ways of Being Award Assembly, 2.15pm
Term 2 concludes
The following notes are going home this week.
Keeping Safe: Child Protection (Protective Behaviours) Curriculum - Years 5 & 6
School Fees
Thank you to all the families that have already paid their school fees. Term 2 fees are due this Friday 21st May.
If you have any concerns regading paying your fees, particularly due to COVID-19, please do not hesitate to contact either Ms Rachel Smith or Mrs Belinda McRae at the Front Office.
As Winter is approaching all students still need to drink plenty of water. As the school bubblers are still closed please make sure your child/children bring their water bottle to school each day.
Happy Birthday to the following children who celebrates their special day this week: Millie R, Ava D and Aimee O.
Thank you to the families that have already returned items that have accidently gone home. This is a time of year when everyone is starting to feel the cold of a morning and by lunch time students are starting to take layers off. As the front reception is still receiving phone calls regarding missing clothing. Please check that your child/ren are bringing their uniform home as it is an easy mistake to pick up someone else's uniform. Please place the incorrect uniform in the lost property box or return it to the student or front office.
In our transition out of the COVID-19 restrictions we ask for your support in social distancing, logging onto the CBR App and signing in at the front office. Until we are able to confirm the new clothing pool arrangements we ask that you please email the school contact Mrs McRae with a list of items required. We will endeavour to fill your order and reply to you as soon as possible.
School Ties
As we have had a number of parents inform us that they were unable to purchase school ties, we have sourced 10 new school ties from Savvy's. These ties are now available for purchase from the clothing pool for $25 each. Unfortunately, these are the only ties we have available as all donated ties have now been sold.
Apple slinky Tuesdays
We would like to thank the wonderful parents that have offered to come and do slinky apples for students each Tuesday morning. There is no cost, we just ask that students bring their own apple to be slinkied for fruit break. We understand that the mornings are getting cold, but the students are still having fruit break each day and a apple slinky is just another way to make fruit different.
Our school tuckshop is still currently closed. It will reopen on Tuesday 1st June.
We will let you know as soon as it is open and students are able to order from the tuckshop.
A reminder that when the tuckshop opens counter sales only occur at recess time and lunch orders must be ordered in the morning. Don’t forget to use the Qkr! App to place your child’s order. Volunteers are always welcome. No amount of time is too small.
St Benedict's Parish
Office Hours: Tuesday to Friday 9am to 12noon
Phone: 62957879
Web: website:
Parish Team:
Fr Rembert Fernando MGL
Fr Baiju Thomas MGL
Monica Nulley-Valdes and Cathy Schneider (Parish Secretaries)
Mass Times:
Saturday Vigil - 6pm
Sunday - 9am
- 6pm Charismatic Mass
Youth Mass every 4th Sunday (6pm)
Baptisms: 11.00am, 2nd and 4th Sundays of the Month.
Parish Secretary Vacancy
St Benedict’s is advertising for a new permanent part time Secretary to work the current office hours of Tuesday to Friday, 9am-12 noon. If anyone is interested, please contact Father Rembert or the Parish Office for more information. Start date is from mid May.
St Benedict's Youth Sacramental Coordinator
St Benedict’s are looking for someone to take on this youth ministry within the Parish. For more information please contact the Parish Office.